Work Package 7 - Impact and dissemination
Dissemination, Impact and Exploitation
Lead partner: Klinikum der Universität München (U-MUEN)
This WP will ensure exemplar wide reaching impact by translating knowledge from the research activities and outcomes from WP’s 1-6 to produce recommendations, educational materials and clinical improvements for clinicians and policy makers in palliative, supportive, respiratory, primary and end of life care. It will include extensive patient and public facing materials and will mobilise our widespread networks, including World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre Status (partner 1) and activity with key European Societies, such as the European Respiratory Society (partner 13), the European Association for Palliative Care to further ensure impact and dissemination. We also use our partners who manage the internationally acclaimed Palliative Care Formulary (NOTT, partner 9) to ensure that the findings directly contribute to prescribing guidance in Palliative Medicine. This work package is key to the success of the BETTER-B trial and will ensure achievement of its aim of improving the quality of life for patients and their families
and demonstrate the value of the research for EU citizens.
1. To provide a dissemination and exploitation plan and stakeholder analysis that maximises the networks of the partners and opportunities for exploitation.
2. To disseminate information about the project, its key messages and results to health professionals, researchers, scientists, patient and caregiver organisations and the general public to secure the widest possible coverage of results and impact on policy, care and practice ensuring exploitation of the results for public policy making and potentially for commercial purposes.